Organizations Supporting Giftedness in BC

To assist members of GCABC and others interested in high intellectual potential individuals and organizations/people that research, support and provide advice, GCABC provides the following information.

Gifted support in BC is fairly well built out with a number of organisations, academic experts, public school programs and independent schools in British Columbia which focus their work on different aspects of giftedness. We list the major ones below.

Organisations that Support the Gifted

Gifted Children’s Association of British Columbia (GCABC)

The GCABC serves parents, teachers and mental health professionals who want to learn more about giftedness. We extend support in navigating the unique developmental journey of gifted children through advocacy, education and collaboration. Our vision is a society that recognizes, values and responds to the diversity of giftedness.

Lower Mainland Gifted Contacts

The Lower Mainland gifted contacts (LMGC) is a network of educators who work at the District level in public schools or who are associated with independent schools that provide support for gifted students. They advise teachers, families and administrators on best practice and support services designed to meet the needs of gifted students.  They may be contacted through school districts listed on the Ministry of Education website or through the Federation of Independent Schools in BC.

Mensa Vancouver

Mensa Vancouver is the local chapter in Vancouver for Mensa Canada. The organization’s purposes are to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity, to encourage research in the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence, and to promote stimulating intellectual and social opportunities for its members. The organization provides a forum for intellectual exchange among its members, who enjoy each other’s company, while participating in a wide range of social and cultural activities.

University Researchers

Dr. Debbie Clelland, Adler University, Vancouver, BC

Dr. Debbie Clelland is a clinical counsellor, teacher and researcher at Adler University in Vancouver. She conducts research and published papers on the concept of acceleration in gifted education. She is also a former chair of the GCABC.

Dr. Lannie Kanevsky, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC

Dr. Lannie Kanevsky is a former classroom teacher turned researcher and associate professor at Simon Fraser University. Her research focuses on the nature and nurture of highly able learners, how to better understand them, and optimal development of their abilities. Dr. Kanevsky has developed the online tool Possibilities for Learning, a website with free tools and resources to enable students, teachers and parents to plan activities and differentiate gifted students’ curriculum.

Dr. Owen Lo, Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

Dr. Owen Lo is an Assistant Professor in High Ability Studies at the Faculty of Education at UBC. Dr. Lo is currently leading a research project named “Landscape of BC Gifted Education” that involves socio-culturally layered social mapping, examining the paradigm shifts and multiculturalism in the BC gifted education context, synthesizing available resources, and exerting influence on policy making.

Gifted Programs in Public Schools

Some BC school districts offer congregated gifted classes to provide academic challenge and social-emotional support for gifted elementary students through an intellectual peer group and conceptually advanced curriculum. While each District offers their own design, several offer the opportunity for students to participate in an interdisciplinary program designed to challenge and develop the depth and breadth of the student’s critical and creative thinking abilities. Please see the GCABC overview of options in BC.

Independent Schools, specialized in Gifted Students

Choice School, Richmond, BC

Choice School is an independent school which serves students in Kindergarten to Grade 5 in the elementary program and Grades 6 to Grade 9 in the new Middle School Program.  In 2016, it received a Special Education Designation from the BC Ministry of Education.  This designation was received in recognition of the focus and mandate of Choice School to serve high potential, high ability and gifted students as well as supporting students with a twice exceptional designation. Twice exceptional students are learners who have a both a gifted designation, according to the Ministry’s criteria, and have an identified additional learning need that requires special education support.

Madrona School, Vancouver, BC

Madrona is a small independent school that offers an academically challenging program for gifted and exceptional students from Kindergarten through Grade 9. Their purpose is to prepare students academically, socially, and emotionally for their future paths. Madrona has a low student to educator ratio and a focus on project-based and independent learning, intentionally planned to address the asynchronous pathways of gifted students.