Specific Gifted Programs By District

The following are examples of gifted and twice-exceptional programs listed on some BC School District websites.  This does not include any in-school or in-class provision of educational adaptations for gifted and 2e students.  With the current trend towards inclusive education, there is an expectation that many of the educational adaptations happen within the classroom.

Most of these programs are not exclusively for gifted students and are open to other academically-motivated or high ability students. Please also note that this is only a sample directory. It is meant to give parents an idea of the types and locations of a limited number of programs in BC. It is by no means comprehensive.   


Central Okanagan

In-classroom enrichmentAll levels in public schoolsGiftedNo pull-out classes at district level. Schools operate under inclusive education model so students are primarily served in their classrooms.
Needs of gifted students with an IEP are met at their schools through differentiated instruction and enrichment opportunities, which differ from school to school.


ProgramLevel/TypeWhoLocation Details
District Elementary Challenge Program Public elementarygifted (grades 4 – 5)Birchland Centre & Mundy Road CentreChallenge Centre sessions provide groups of similarly able students who exhibit a significant need with high-level learning opportunities of an intellectual, creative and social nature. Each Centre offers 7-8 week sessions for students in Grades 4 and 5 who are formally identified as gifted.
District Elementary Challenge Program Public elementarygifted (K – 3) Birchland Centre & Mundy Road Centre Primary Challenge sessions for students from Grade K-3 who may or may not be formally identified. The focus of each session is creative problem solving. Students are referred to sessions by school-based personnel.
Middle Age Cluster Class (MACC) Public middle schoolgiftedCitadel Middle School, Hillcrest Middle School, and Kwayhquitlum Middle SchoolThree year program (Grade 6, 7, 8) where identified gifted students are clustered together for the four core subjects (Language Arts, Science, Math and Social Studies)
District Middle Challenge ProgramPublic middle schoolgiftedSupports all Middle Schools in the district
District Challenge Teacher provides programming for Zone 1 at the Birchland Challenge Centre for half of the year and Zone 2 at the Mundy Road Challenge Centre for the other half.
Provides groups of similarly able students who exhibit a significant need with high-level learning opportunities of an intellectual, creative and social nature. Sessions span a broad range of topics and reflect the wide-ranging interests and passions of gifted students. The social connections and understanding themselves are key components of the program. Each Centre offers 7-8 week sessions for students in Grades 6-8 who are formally identified as gifted and not attending the MACC program. Sessions are intended to provide district level programming and may be included as part of a student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). Students are referred to sessions by school-based personnel. Parents are responsible for transportation.
TALONS Gifted Secondary Program Public secondary GiftedGleneagle SecondaryThe program, which serves gifted students from across the district, is a unique program in the Coquitlam School District, tailored to gifted learners in Grades 9 to 12. The following core academic subjects, Math 9-11, Sciences 9-10, Life Sciences 11, Chemistry 11, English 9-10 and Social Studies 9-10, and IDS 11 and 12 feature opportunity for enrichment at the honours level. More info can be found here.
Inquiry Hub Public secondary Gifted and/or highly motivated academicallySelf-directed students in Grades 9-12 are able to pursue their personal interests. About half of students’ time is scheduled with standard classes, while the remainder is left unstructured, so that students can do coursework and have help pursuing what interests them. iHub is small, with fewer than 80 students. Students graduate from iHub with a full Dogwood Diploma.


ProgramLevel/Type WhoLocationDetails
Multi-Age Cluster Class (MACC)Public elementaryGiftedBerkshire Park Elementary School, Hyland Elementary School, Bayridge Elementary School and Crescent Park Elementary School.Open to Grades 5, 6 &7.
Entrance criteria include: Literacy or numeracy skills that are 2 to 3 years above grade level; or Gifted designation in relation to cognitive ability, creativity, emotional maturity, intellectual interest, or skill development. Catchment school personnel submit the referral with supporting documentation.
SAIL Academy’s STEAMX programPublic secondaryGiftedSurrey Schools’ Discovery Education Centre (DEC)Complete Grades 8-10 in two years. Program combines four days of face-to-face interdisciplinary instruction with one day of supported online learning.
Students must have completed Grade 7 & be at least 12 years old.
Fraser Heights Integrated Math and Science Public secondaryGiftedFraser Heights SecondaryAccepts around 45 Grade 11 students. Joint venture with Simon Fraser University where students have the opportunity to enroll in university chemistry or computer science courses while still in secondary school.


Choice SchoolIndependent K-9Gifted and Twice ExceptionalRichmond-EastMore information on Choice School can be found here.
Advanced Placement (AP) coursesPublic secondaryGifted, high achieversVariousAP courses include first-year university learning outcomes. These courses differ from school to school and may replace courses from the curriculum or be taken as additional courses. Students who are successful in AP courses are awarded advance credits by many universities and colleges.


Multi Age Cluster Class (MACC) Public elementaryGiftedKerrisdale Elementary; Osler Elementary; Tecumsah Elementary Elementary school program. Kerrisdale groups Grades 5/6/7. Osler Grades 4/5 & 6/7. Tecumsah Grades 5/6/7.
Challenge ProgramsPublic elementaryGiftedvariousAvailable for students in Grade 1-7.
Examples of Challenge Centres include but are not limited to: Narrative WritingDi; Poetic Picassos; Awesome Authors; Global Citizenship; Physics for Kids; Chemistry for Kids; Exploring the Universe; Stop-Motion Animation; Deliberate Debaters; Math in the Real World.
Seminar ProgramsPublic elementaryGiftedvariousAvailable for students in Grades 4-7. Programs range from 6-10 days. A seminar candidate will have a gifted designation and/or demonstrates a need for significant enrichment and rigour. Examples of Seminars include Engineering; Exploravision; STEAM-Makerspace; Playwriting and Acting; Math Explorations; Model U.N. and Young Writers.
GOLDPublic secondaryTwice exceptional – gifted + learning disabledPrince of Wales Secondary; David Thompson Secondary This is an academic program designed to meet the needs of intellectually gifted students who are Twice-Exceptional (gifted and meet the criteria for learning disabilities).
MadronaIndependent K-9Gifted and Twice ExceptionalVancouver – WestsideMore info on Madrona School can be found here.
Mini SchoolsPublic secondaryGiftedIncludes programs at 18 secondary schools across Vancouver. Programs includes Hamber Challenge Studio Program; Byng Arts Mini School; Magee Sparts; David Thompson Odyssey Progam; Brittania Venture Program; etc.Programs range from focus on fine arts to math and science to leadership to sports. More information on Vancouver mini schools can be found here.
International Baccalaureate (IB)Public and independent, K-12Gifted, high achieversIn public system: Southlands Elementary; Brittania Community Secondary; King George Secondary & Sir Winston Churchill Secondary.
Independent IB schools include St John’s School.
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (at the elementary school level) is an inclusive model of learning that focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both at school and beyond. More info can be found here.
At the secondary level, the Vancouver School Board’s IB is a two-year program (Grades 11-12), with the highly recommended option of a pre-IB year in Grade 10. The program, which focuses on the enrichment and learning skills necessary for post-secondary success, is open to students with good academic standing and strong reading and verbal skills. More info on the IB Diploma can be found here and here.
University Transitions ProgramPublic secondaryGiftedUBC campusUTP is an accelerated program in which students complete three years of secondary school in two. More information can be found here.

Greater Victoria

Challenge coursesPublic secondaryGiftedMount Douglas Secondary School & L’Ecole Esquimalt Secondaire/SecondaryThis is a program for gifted, creative and talented students. Students take Challenge courses in the core subject areas of Math, Science, Social Studies and English while exploring their individual passions in integrated elective subjects. Is available in both English and French Immersion.

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