Using ‘Possibilities for Learning’ to Advocate for Gifted Students’ Needs and PreferencesTuesday, April 16, 20246:30 – 8:00 p.m.Choice School for...

Supporting the Emotional Needs of Your Gifted “Super-Feeler”Supporting the Emotional Needs of Your Gifted “Super-Feeler”
Gifted children have intense and unique ways of experiencing, processing, and reacting to emotions. Their clever, intuitive, and reflective minds...

Website for Power Up Potential 2018 is launchedWebsite for Power Up Potential 2018 is launched
The website for the conference “Power Up Potential 2018” has been launched and the registration process is open for anyone...

“POWER UP POTENTIAL 2018” with Dr. James Webb, Leading Expert on Gifted Learners!“POWER UP POTENTIAL 2018” with Dr. James Webb, Leading Expert on Gifted Learners!
Spend time with Dr. James Webb, an internationally renowned expert on the unique profiles of children with high potential, at...