The Gifted Children’s Association of British Columbia (GCABC) is looking for two new board members for the board year of 2021-2022, as well as new and returning members and volunteers. Here, your talents in strategic thinking, organization behavior, project management, and/or policy advocacy will be honed while serving, supporting, and learning from the gifted community of BC.
Who we are: The GCABC extends support to families and professionals working with gifted children through advocacy, education, and collaboration. Our website provides basic information for those who are just beginning to learn about giftedness in BC, while a members’ area provides seasonal news and opportunity to discuss and ask questions. We organize speaker events both to offer information about giftedness and to create opportunities for networking in the community. Advocacy at the provincial and school district level seeks to effect policies which support gifted students at school. As well, we partner with local educator and parenting groups whose aims are similar to ours. The GCABC is governed by 7 – 9 members of the Board of Directors.
Who we are looking for: GCABC is looking for two individuals who have a strong commitment to supporting the needs of gifted children and their families. There are positions open for a Communications Director (see section below) and a Member at Large. These individuals will have proven leadership experience, effective communication skills or subject matter expertise, and wish to be considered for election to the Board of Directors of the Gifted Children’s Association of British Columbia.
Volunteers will have willingness to learn and a strong commitment to supporting the needs of gifted children and their families.
What is involved: For Board Members, the time commitment is approximately 3 – 10 hours a month, depending on the role. Board meetings are held ten times per year through digital conference tools . As well, directors of this working board will contribute time and skills to the operation of the organization. Directors must be members of the GCABC. We ask for a commitment of two years.
For volunteers, the time commitment is approximately 3 – 5 hours a month. Volunteers must also be members of the GCABC.
All positions are volunteer positions with no financial compensation.
How to apply: Persons interested in applying to become Board Members or volunteers, please email to request an application or to receive more information. You may also download an application form from our website, fill in, save and send back to the email mentioned above.
General Description of the GCABC Communications Director
Responsibility: The communications director will work with members of the Board of Directors in creating and maintaining structures for effective communication between the Board of Directors, volunteers, general membership, and the public. The communications director will also work with volunteers who contribute to outreach and content creation for the GCABC.
Duties: In addition to the duties of every board member, the communications director is responsible for the following
- Creating guides and templates that aid in consistency of organization branding, including tone, voice, and messaging.
- Creating guides and templates that facilitate communication between members of a volunteer team and/or between the Board of Directors and volunteer teams.
- Oversight of projects involving creation of written, visual, and media content for the GCABC for public or member consumption.
- Oversight of public outreach, including posting content on social media.
- Maintaining connection with the GCABC membership via regular newsletters, emails, polls, and conversation.
- Monitoring and replying to inquiries sent to the GCABC via social media or the webmaster email.
- Reporting to the Board about member and outreach communication channels.
Time Commitment: 10-15 hours per month
Term of Office: Currently, a 1-y board term, although we are asking for a 2-y commitment.
Qualifications: The communications director must have:
- An open mind and eagerness to learn about giftedness/2E
- A commitment to, and a clear understanding of the mission of the organization
- Knowledge of meeting procedures, governance policies and by-laws of the GCABC
- Sufficient time to devote to his/her primary duties.
- Earlier experience of a similar position is positive but not a necessity