Gifted Children's Association of British Columbia Advocacy,News GCABC Statement on the Transition Program for Gifted Students (TPGS)

GCABC Statement on the Transition Program for Gifted Students (TPGS)


In our role as advocates for support and programming for gifted students, the Gifted Children’s Association of BC (GCABC) has been in conversation over the past month with the three governing parties, the Ministry of Education and Childcare, the Vancouver School Board and the University of British Columbia concerning the current review of the provincial program known as the Transition Program for Gifted Students (TPGS), formerly the University Transfer Program (UTP).

GCABC asked for clarification on two points central to the review of this Provincial Resource Program that was announced in January 2024. The following are the actions that the GCABC has taken in light of the conversation with the above bodies. 

Statement from the GCABC Board.

April 17, 2024

Representatives of the GCABC board (the board) met with representatives of the three parties (Ministry of Education, the University of BC, Vancouver School Board) that are responsible for the Transition Program for Gifted Students (TPGS) on March 15, 2024. The meeting was in response to a letter from the chair of the board to the parties dated February 15, 2024, which requested that the parties address two issues. A meeting with the parties and the Chair and Secretary of the GCABC revealed the following:

1. Why was the TPGS paused?

      Response: The pause was related to the serious concerns raised related to the social emotional health of students of the program.

2. What is the goal of the review?

      Response: The review is a regular part of the Provincial Resource Programs, of which TPGS is one. TPGS had not had such a review and it was determined that TPGS would be reviewed in 2024. The review will examine operational and financial matters, program structure, administration, relationships and support services. The review will also look into the social emotional issues that were raised in January 2024 and that have caused concern. The review will identify areas needing to be addressed and how those concerns are addressed will be determined by the parties.

At the conclusion of the meeting, all attendees agreed that all members of the TPGS community would be actively engaged as the review process continues.

Next steps from GCABC

The Board is of the view that addressing social emotional needs of students in the program will require input from experts in the area of social emotional needs of gifted students. At the board meeting of April 17, 2024, the Board passed the following motion which has been communicated to the governing parties.

Motion: The Board requests that, in addressing any concerns related to the social emotional needs of students of the TPGS, the parties engage with an expert or experts in the social emotional needs of gifted students. Further, the Board extends an offer to assist the parties in identifying such experts.