Obituary: Dr. Marion Porath


The Gifted Children’s Association of BC has lost a dear friend and passionate supporter of gifted learners of all ages.

Dr. Marion Porath, Professor Emerita (UBC), passed away on June 13, 2018, in Victoria, BC. Marion was an award-winning teacher, scholar, and researcher, and had a lifetime of accomplishments. She was the coordinator of the program in high ability at UBC for 25 years. During this time, she actively supported the Gifted Children’s Association of BC and, most recently, delivered the keynote address at the 2017 Annual General Meeting of the Society.

She received the Killam Prize for teaching excellence and the Robbie Case Memorial Award for major contributions to educational psychology. She authored articles and chapters on the development of different forms of giftedness and co-authored several books on teaching and learning. Her most recent interests were in the development of giftedness across the lifespan and arts-based approaches to studying giftedness. She travelled the world and was a long-time friend, colleague, and mentor to so many. She has left an outstanding legacy.