6 Reasons to join the GCABC!


The GCABC is the leading organisation for parents, educators and other professionals who support giftedness in British Columbia.  

Here is why you should join us!

1. Starting your family’s giftedness journey

It doesn’t matter in what stage your family is on the giftedness journey. Maybe you only have started to suspect that your children are highly able learners, maybe you already have had them tested or maybe your children even go in a Multi Age Cluster Class or GOLD class for gifted and 2E children; the GCABC has activities for families in all stages. This journey never ends, but is easier to start and manage with our organisation!

2. We’re all about YOU!

We know giftedness. We either have experience from being parents of gifted children and/or having a specialized profession where we have worked with them. We understand what being a highly able child entails and can therefore create specialized information through articles or educational events that will help your family and your child.

3. Your knowledge about giftedness will improve

You will quickly start to see the benefits of increasing your knowledge about giftedness. To be the ultimate advocate for your child, you will be helped by knowing the buzz words, new research data, and whom to talk to about certain matters. Knowledge is power. We educate you through blog posts, social media, newsletters, conferences and workshops.

4. It will not ruin you financially

Did we mention that membership is free during the school year 2017-2018? Yes, we did, but we say it again; we currently have an incredibly generous deal that you and your family should take advantage of. Even with the new fee system, which will be introduced sometime during 2018, our annual membership fees will remain low.

5. Joining our pack will make you empowered!

Cognitive function works differently in gifted children, which can be incredibly hard for teachers, family and friends around you to understand or even accept. Our events can be a safe haven for members, where you truly can feel like one of the pack. Most of our members find it incredibly uplifting to network with other parents and educators at our events. Being understood and non-judged has an incredible empowering value and will make you feel stronger and more able take on the role as the advocate for your child.

6. Together we are stronger!

Advocacy isn’t always about influencing public officials, it is also about spreading awareness. If you feel strongly about how giftedness is dealt with today, stand up for it!  Lend your voice to us! Share our programs and successes with the community. It can be as simple as sharing a tweet or Facebook post in support of a giftedness issue that matters to you. Together we are stronger!

The GCABC is happy to announce that membership in our organization is free during the school year 2017-2018! ANYONE who wants to become a member can become one by filling in the form below.

Please fill in the GCABC membership application form to join! By filling in the application, you automatically become a member and accept receiving our e-Newsletter.

If you have questions about GCABC membership, please contact us at commGCAB@gmail.com.