Gifted Children's Association of British Columbia Advocacy,News CBC “The Current” asks the public about Students with Special Needs

CBC “The Current” asks the public about Students with Special Needs


Is the public-school system working for kids with special needs? That was the question that CBC’s Anna Maria Tremonti of the show “The Current” asked people all across Canada on October 3, 2017. The entire program was devoted to exploring the question in a national, live, call-in format.

Giftedness, one of many special education designations, was mentioned but not part of the focus. To change the public perception about giftedness and twice exceptional students, the GCABC board would like to encourage all our followers to contact CBC and share your thoughts and the experiences of your child in Canadian school systems.

Support our gifted learners by reminding educators and decision makers that gifted students are special needs learners, recognized as such for their unique and diverse profiles, and require consideration of and provision for, appropriate learning experiences.

Students with this designation are students who need accommodations in the depth, breadth and pace of their learning.  They thrive in learning environments that accept their unique abilities, with teachers who recognize and respond to their learning needs.  Increasingly, students with high potential are also recognized as having additional exceptionalities also requiring specific support.  However, these students often go undetected as schools focus on behaviours arising out of frustration and their gifts remain unrecognized and unsupported.

Help build the picture and awareness of how our school systems are supporting Canadian children in this special needs category.  Share your stories and experiences and raise awareness.

You can listen to the full episode here >>

Share your experience here >>

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