Psycho-Educational Assessment FAQ’s

What is a psychoeducational assessment? What is included in a psychoeducational assessment? Who is qualified to conduct a psychoeducational assessment? What is the difference between individual and group assessments? What are some types of assessments which are commonly used to test for giftedness in schools? What types of assessment tests are commonly used by Registered Psychologists to assess for giftedness? Are pediatricians and family doctors trained to assess for giftedness?  What types of questions should I ask when identifying an appropriate professional to assess my child? How is a private psychoeducational assessment different from a school psychologist’s evaluation? When is it the right time to seek an outside private assessment and not rely on your child’s school? Do I require a referral for a psychoeducational assessment?  How much does a psychoeducational assessment cost in British Columbia?   Will insurance under my extended benefits cover the cost of a private assessment?   At what age is it appropriate to conduct an assessment for a child?  Why do some educators assert that testing for giftedness is not valid before age 8? Why does my school district not conduct screening for giftedness before Grade 3?  What are the levels of giftedness? Do you have a feeling that your child’s Full-Scale IQ score on the WISC-V is not right?

Resources to Learn More About Gifted Assessments

Gifted Children’s Association of BC

Davidson Institute – Assessing Gifted Children

National Association for Gifted Children – Tests & Assessments Publications

National Association for Gifted Children – Use of the WISC-V for Gifted and Twice Exceptional Identification

BC Ministry of Education